The Pied Wagtail

The Pied Wagtail is a feel good, positivity shop run by Breanne Cook. With a focus on welbeing, the shop curates gifts specifically to provide:

You can find The Pied Wagtail here and there is 10% off for first time buyers.

Wellness Professionals at Work

I am proud to be an ambassador for Wellness Professionals at Work who I undertook my coaching training with. The organisation's offers an incredibly supportive training environment and the trainers have so much knowledge to tap into.

If you're looking to train as a coach, please do contact me with any questions you might have or follow the link to explore the many courses on offer.

Nadia Jolly Photography

The portraits of me on this website were taken by the talented Nadia Jolly. Nadia is a professional photographer based in Norfolk who has a wonderful way of putting people at ease and capturing the essence of who they are.

You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram