Mindful Photography

collage of mindful photography

Close your eyes. Imagine seeing a sunset for the very first time, as if you've never experienced it before and you don't even know the name of it or what it is yet.

The colours are bright…yellows, oranges, reds. There are wisps of cloud in the sky swirling in patterns you've never seen before.

The sky above is clear, and expansive, the landscape below is trees and rivers and beautiful countryside. You've never seen any of it before. What are you feeling in your body? Are there any thoughts in your head or are you in awe of what's before you? What emotions or physical sensations are you experiencing?

Are you thinking about what's come before you in the day or what lies tomorrow or are you in the moment, completely? Are you doing anything other than being and experiencing this moment? What part of the landscape are you drawn to? What are your impulses?

An image that we capture with complete presence, intention and a beginner's mind can evoke powerful feelings within us that we can feel again and again without even being back in that moment, just by looking at it.

And capturing an image in the moment, by being present and mindful can increase our sense of wellbeing.

For years now, photography has been something I have used to support my well-being. Combining being outside with nature and my camera or my phone has always been a calming activity, one of the few activities that I do that can completely put me in the present moment and also put me in a state of flow - two things that have been proven to support wellbeing.

collage of mindful photography

I have been trained in the evidence-based Look Again mindful photography methodology. You can find more information about Look Again here - Look Again Mindful Photography for Mental Health Wellbeing and Resilience (look-again.org). Ruth Davey, Founder and Director of Look Again describes Mindful Photography as:

“…a tool that uses our sight and the lens of a camera or smartphone as an anchor to help us become more consciously aware of and connected to the present moment. It is experiencing the process of creating photographs in a nonjudgmental way, with gratitude and compassion towards ourselves, others and the world around us. It enables us to slow down, look, look again and see our lives differently.”

The Look Again methodology has been researched by Gloucester university and has been found to increase the well-being of participants, including increasing connection, confidence, self-esteem and mindfulness skills.

My experience as a participant in the Look Again course has helped me connect with myself and my surrounding environment to benefit my well-being. It has helped me to learn more skills in being in the present moment, and those mindfulness skills help me every day and impact how I respond in every situation and interaction more contentedly and positively.

I am excited to have developed my Mindful Photography course based on this methodology and my background in mental health education.

This course is not a technical course on photography - you won't learn how to use the settings on your camera; you don't even need a camera - a smartphone will do.

This course is not about creating the perfect image; it's about exploring well-being via the process of mindful photography, seeing things in a new way and creating an image with intention. It uses attitudes and principles of mindfulness to create a practice that you can use beyond the course to support you to create moments of calm in your day to day life.

collage of mindful photography

In this course, you will:

Who is the course for?

The course is for anyone who has an interest in mindfulness, being in nature and photography as a hobby. You may be on a wellbeing journey and looking for dedicated time for yourself to be present and connect with others, or looking for strategies to implement in your everyday life to support your wellness.

What others have said?

I attended one of Breannes photography sessions a few months ago. I wasn't sure what to expect and I'm definitely no pro photographer but I LOVED IT. Breanne has a lovely tone of voice, it was such a beautiful experience. Breanne helped me to think deeper, see more deeply and lean in to mindfulness more. I'd highly recommend these sessions to anyone. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

- Hayley

It was such a lovely relaxed session, the mindfulness and photography element are a fantastic combination, it was very uplifting to use my phone camera in this way and with Breanne's calming approach I wouldn't hesitate to recommend, wonderful.

- Tessa

The Mindful Photography mini workshop was wonderful. It was a lovely opportunity to take some time for myself and slow the pace down. Breanne led us through some beautiful mindful exercises and it was such an incredibly calm, nurturing and thought-provoking hour. I'd highly recommend it.

- Helen

If you'd like to know more, contact me today.

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