How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?

Do you...

Life can be really hard and as humans, there's often lots of things we are responsible for and things we have to show up for all at once…perhaps we have caring responsibilities, we're parents, we're holding down a job, we're coping with illness etc. So it's completely normal to sometimes feel like or experience all of these things. They can become problems though if they take over our lives, affect our day to day activities, affect our jobs and relationships and affects us living how we want to live.

If you feel like this, you may:

It's time to put all that behind you.

My Resource and Regenerate programme is designed to help you feel better about yourself, live your life differently and have more confidence while working with the barriers and obstacles that get in your way.

Taking up coaching with me is an invitation to:

I believe in you. I really do believe you have the strength within you to make any changes and achieve anything you want. Sometimes, due to life getting in the way, we just forget it's there or we forget how to access it. I can help you to do that. Whilst you may have some challenges or problems to address in coaching, you yourself are not a problem. I believe that solutions, change and opportunity can be found, and you have the potential to find them.

Breanne has an easygoing, amiable communication style. Her supportive and motivational tone made it easy to learn and absorb the knowledge and guidance provided in each session. My original needs have not only been met but they have also been exceeded. Breanne listened and absorbed each point that I made, then with her knowledge and expertise was able to provide me with the beneficial tools that I needed as an individual. I have already seen a dramatic improvement in myself, not only in the original needs that I set but in other areas of my life too.

- Callum

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could:

The good news is, you can. Research has shown that we can do all of those things and we can increase our resilience and self esteem to help you do it.

I know that life can be challenging.

I know what it feels like to be at a point where you know that something has to change and that you can't continue as you are.

I've experienced working in jobs that I've not wanted to turn up to, simply because it's just not the job for me, or turning up makes me anxious because people are talking over me at meetings I find my colleagues a bit challenging to deal with, or I feel that I'm just not good at my job at all.

I've experienced periods of time where the negative thoughts and beliefs in my head are so frequent and debilitating that it's just too difficult to motivate myself to take action and pursue all the things I want to do.

I've experienced life events that have taken me longer to get over than I had hoped and life events that I haven't bounced back from completely, and I'm learning to live with a new normal.

I've experienced not knowing how to communicate my wants and needs, which has kept me stuck.

I've experienced feeling completely alone and feeling like I didn't have anyone around me to offer me support. I know what it's like to struggle emotionally when I'm facing or in the middle of a really difficult time.

I know what it's like to not feel like myself.

I am passionate about wellbeing and believe that true wellbeing starts with the foundations of healthy self esteem and building capacity for resilience. Both of these are not fixed in place - they can be developed. The very fact that self esteem and resilience can increase is very exciting to me - it means that life can change, things can improve and get better and move in the direction you hope for. What I know is that working on both of these things can change your life. They definitely changed mine.

What's included?

Breanne is very calm and has a soft and empathetic communication style, actively listening and giving the client time to talk whilst also being very encouraging and supportive. This helped put me at ease right from the beginning and I felt comfortable talking through my feelings and experiences with her and exploring my personal barriers and ways to address these. Having not had exposure to coaching before I didn't quite know what to expect so it was a new experience for me with the opportunity arising at a time where I was at a difficult crossroads in my life. I felt that I got something out of every one of the sessions that I attended through being able to be very open and honest with Breanne in discussions and through the questions that Breanne asked and the thought processes that were triggered from her questions. This is credit to Breanne's coaching skills and techniques and the professionalism shown throughout. All of the needs that I identified at the beginning have been addressed and more. I have learnt some very useful skills to help me going forward with my proposed new career path but also in challenging negative thoughts and beliefs and in other aspects of my life. The reporting into Breanne on a weekly basis also helped to motivate me to deliver on my action plan and I have noticed a significant improvement in my levels of self-esteem and self-confidence since starting the sessions.

- Caroline

Are you ready?

Contact me today to take your first step towards your future, resilient self.

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